Tampa, Florida
Tampa, Florida

What Are The Different Types Of HOA Meetings?

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HOA meetings serve an important purpose within a homeowners association. They provide a platform for residents to offer input and participate in decision-making. These meetings, though, come in several forms, each with a specific function.


What Are HOA Meetings?

A homeowners association meeting is a scheduled gathering of members in an HOA. Associations are responsible for maintaining common areas and amenities and enforcing strict rules and regulations. 

These meetings allow board members and homeowners to communicate, discuss community issues, address concerns, and make decisions. They play a crucial role in fostering communication, community engagement, and the effective management of the community.


Types of HOA Meetings

There are five types of HOA meetings: the annual meeting, board meetings, executive sessions, committee meetings, and special meetings. Each of these meetings fulfills an important role in the successful operation of an association. Both board members and homeowners should understand these meetings and how they run.


1. Annual HOA Meeting

The annual HOA meeting, or the annual membership meeting, is among the most important meetings in any association. It usually takes place at the beginning of a new fiscal year. As its name suggests, the annual meeting happens once every year, with all community members invited to attend.

The HOA board discusses new projects, the annual budget, and other association-related business at the annual meeting. The president typically runs the meeting with the help of other board members.

There are certain requirements that an HOA must follow when it comes to annual membership meetings. These HOA meeting requirements can vary depending on state laws and the HOA’s governing documents. In Florida, for instance, homeowners must receive notice of the annual meeting at least 14 days in advance via mail or electronically.


2. HOA Board Meeting

meeting inside a room | hoa meetings

The HOA Board of Directors meeting is a meeting that primarily involves the HOA board. At this meeting, the board discusses important community matters. Board meetings take place regularly, but how frequently they happen depends on the bylaws of the HOA. Some associations hold board meetings monthly, while others do it quarterly.

Board meetings must have a set agenda. The board must follow this agenda strictly and avoid discussing anything it does not cover. If someone brings up a new issue at the meeting, the board should table it and discuss it at the next one.

Despite its name, HOA board meetings aren’t exclusive to the board. Members of the community can also attend the meeting. Many state laws and HOA bylaws require associations to invite residents to board meetings. Florida, for example, requires board meetings to be open to all members, save for a few exceptions. Additionally, Florida law states that members have the right to speak at board meetings.


3. Executive Sessions

An executive session or executive meeting is a private HOA board meeting. Unlike the board meeting, this meeting is closed to community members. Executive sessions typically occur at the start or end of a regular board meeting, though they can also happen outside of them.

Privacy is important in executive sessions because such meetings usually discuss confidential or sensitive topics. Some examples include legal issues, delinquencies, and internal problems. Meeting minutes of executive sessions also aren’t generally available for examination, though some associations may choose to do otherwise but with redactions.

In Florida, state law dictates meetings between the board and the HOA’s attorney where discussions of proposed or pending litigation may be closed. Not all states govern or speak about executive meetings, though.


4. Committee Meetings

A committee meeting consists of committee members where committee issues are discussed. Committee meetings are more common in larger associations. This is because these associations tend to have more members and bigger land space, so their HOA boards often need a helping hand.

While committees can take different forms, they usually include architectural review, social, landscaping, and safety committees. Due to the nature of the work, committee meetings happen more frequently than board meetings. It ultimately depends on the responsibilities of the committee as well as the requirements in the bylaws.

As with board meetings, committee meetings are generally open to all association members, though it depends on state laws and the bylaws. Meeting minutes are also standard.


5. Special Meetings

group meeting | hoa meetings

Special meetings occur in emergencies or if immediate action becomes necessary. Because of their purpose, special meetings don’t always require ample notice. Examples of situations where special meetings may happen include natural disasters, special assessments, and the removal of a board member.

Who can call a special meeting? It depends on state laws and the HOA’s bylaws. More often than not, anyone in the community can call a special association meeting. Even regular members of the HOA can call a special meeting provided they meet the percentage requirement. In Florida, special meetings require at least 10 percent of the association’s total voting interests.


Frequently Asked Questions


Who can attend HOA board meetings?

All community members can attend board meetings in an HOA community. Most state laws require HOAs to make board meetings open to all members. There are even notice requirements. However, executive sessions are closed board meetings that community members may not attend.


Are HOA board meetings open to the public?

While all community members can attend board meetings, this does not necessarily mean that members of the general public can do so as well. It ultimately depends on the association’s governing documents. Most states don’t address this matter.

That said, finding an HOA that will encounter this problem is often difficult. Most people don’t feel the need or desire to attend a board meeting that will not affect them in any way.


Are HOA meeting minutes required?

In many states, HOAs must record meeting minutes. Additionally, even in the absence of such a law, it is common for an association’s governing documents to require meeting minutes.


Should a community manager attend board meetings?

Ideally, a community manager would attend board meetings to stay up-to-date on association business. However, it is not always a common practice. It depends on the association’s agreement with its manager or management company. Some companies charge an additional fee for each board meeting a manager attends, while others include it as part of the package.


An Organized Association

HOA meetings are a valuable tool for any association. They facilitate communication, encourage participation, and keep association matters organized. Running a meeting, though, isn’t always easy, especially without help.

Vanguard Management Group offers associations HOA management services, including meeting assistance. Call us today at 813-930-8036 or contact us online to learn more!

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